Enable Others to Act


"The conductor of an orchestra does not make a sound. . . his true power derives from his ability to make other people powerful."
This means that the leader is not always the most talented at what he is doing but he is good at getting the most out of the people around him. Although he might not be able to do a specific job he is good at equipping others with the ability to do it. In a team like a sports team the captain doesnt have to be the most talented. If he constantly shows up with a good attitude it will rub off on others and make them want to give their best effor. Ultimately making them preform to their best ability

Challegne the Process


There are many similarities between Ghandis Salt March and Patch Adams in the way the challenged the process. Both Ghandi and Patch were against much bigger forces when challenging the process. Ghandi had was against a whole police force with weapons and Patch was against the head of the school who had much more power than himself. Ghandi and Patch also didnt give up when adversity came their way. Ghandi could have easily given up when the policemen were beating him up but he didnt. In the same way Patch could have also given up when the Dean repeatedly told him to stop. In my life as a leader challenging the process would be very hard just because im a young leader. When challenging the process I would have alot of people that didnt believe in me just because of my age. Someone that is older would have a easier chance when challenging the process because they would have others support him. I could only aspire to be the kind of leader Ghandi was and challenging the process is one way in which i can follow his lead.

Leadership Spotlight


For this project I had to pick a leader that i thought displayed both credibility and emotional intelligence. I chose Greg Mortenson for my leader and had to present his leadership position and how he displayed credibility and emotional intelligence in a creative way. To present him i chose glogster, below is a link to my glog of Greg Mortenson.

Inspire a Shared Vision


There are many behaviors important to being able to inspire a shared vision. One of the behaviors important for a leader is to believe in the vision themselves and be passionate about it. If the leader does not beleive in the vision it will be impossible for him to get others to believe in it. It is also important for a leader to be able to promote spirit and breed optimism. The leader needs to be able to create high spirit for the vision so that others will willingly follow him. Noone wants to follow a leader that is not enthusiastic. The last behavior that I think is important to inspire a shared vision is using uplifitng and inspirational language. When trying to get people to share your vision it can be your language that either makes it or breaks it.

In my leadership roles such as student government it is very important to inspire a shared vision so that our representatives can get as many privelages as we want. In order to do this i need the support of many of my peers. To do this the most important thing for me to do is talk to my peers about the vision or privelages we want. It is also important that I am spirited about it so that my spirit for it might rub off onto others

Model The Way


To me model the way means that you will always do the right thing and be a good role model for the people around you. To model the way means you show others what to do and how to do it. In order to model the way i think there are a couple important components one must follow. First i think it is important to stand up for your beliefs. If you are not willing to stand up for your beliefs then you are showing that you are either to scared to be a leader or do not believe in the matter. Second i think it is important that in everything you do you are the first there and the last to leave. This shows that you are dedicated to what you are doing. For example the leader of a sports team should always be to practice first and leave last. If he does this he is setting an example for his teammates.

I could apply "model the way" to my life in many ways. I play varsity baseball and football. As an upcoming senior it is important that i set the example for the under classmen so that they know how much work needs to be put into the sport to have a good outcome. It is important that I always arrive to practice first and put in the most effort I can. It is also important that I have a good attitude. If I have a good attitude it will rub off on others.

The Me I Always Wanted To Be


When I pass on I hope to be remembered as honest, hardworking, and caring. I want to be remembered as the friend that everyone could trust with their entire life. I think that honesty is the most important value in my life. I also want people to think of me as a very hard worker. When people remember me I want them to say that in everything I did I gave a full effort. I also want people to remember me as a very caring person. I want people to say that i always put others before myself. I think that it is important that I put others needs before mine and try to help others in need.

Personal Credo


Honesty: I believe that honesty is the most important trait to have. If I am an honest person everyone will trust me. In order to build relationships it is very important that everyone trusts me. It is also important that I be honest with myself. That way I know I am always doing the most I can to be the best at what I am doing.

No matter what, I will never quit: I try to live by the saying that winners never quit and quitters never win. I believe that in everything I do there will always be more failures than successes. I think that it is from the failures that I am able to succeed.

Always try to be the best in everything I do: Even if I will never be the best it is important to strive to be the best. If I do not strive to be the best in everything I do I will never reach my full potential. I believe that there is no point in doing something if I am not going to do the best I can.